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19 February, 2012

Kamut - New Ingredient

What is it?!?

Kamut is an ancient relative to wheat that originated in Egypt. It is a good substitute for wheat, and has a pleasant sweet and buttery flavor. It has up to 20-40% more protein than wheat, up to 65 percent more amino acids, contains more healthy fatty acids, and is rich in magnesium, zinc, and vitamin E.

The whole kernels, sometimes called kamut berries, are two to three times the size of wheat kernels. They are a little chewy when cooked, so are often better mixed with other grains, or in soups and casseroles. To cook, use 3 parts water to 1 part kernel (e.g. 3 cups water and 1 cup kamut kernel), bring to boil with a few pinches of sea salt, then reduce heat to low and let simmer covered for 1 1/2 hours or more until tender. Alternatively, soak the kernels overnight, and then cook for 30-40 minutes until tender.

Kamut flakes are available and are much like oatmeal. They are made by heating the whole kernels and then pressing them flat. To cook kamut flakes, combine 1 part with 2 parts water, bring to a boil, then let simmer 15-18 minutes. Remove from heat, stir through, and add non-dairy milk if desired.

Kamut flour is another option. It can be used in breads, muffins, snack loaves and cookies. It has a nutty flavor, but is also more coarse than wheat flour (similar texture to cornmeal flour). While this texture does not work in all baked goods, it is lovely in many, and the flour can be combined with others (spelt, oat, barley, wheat) for great results.

How to cook it!

1. Boil water, remove from heat and pour in 1 C of Kamut berries
2. Let soak for 1 hour, return to burner and boil for 20 min. Remove and drain. 
3. In the same pan, add 1 Tbls Olive Oil, 1/2 onion chopped, 5 or so chopped mushrooms, 1/2 chopped red pepper, 3 cloves of garlic. Saute for 5 mins.
4. Add back in kamut berries, saute 5 mins.
5. Add one can  small can of chicken broth, 1/2 tsp. caraway seeds, S&P. Simmer until most of of the liquid is evaporated.

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