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27 August, 2011

Fresh Basil All Year Round

::Pick • Wash • Chop • Freeze • Store::


Cory Lynn said...

I have done this before (maybe I mentioned it). I once put lime juice with mine. It was so good with broth and noodles. Just drop one lime/basil cube in after it was in your bowl. refreshing. I need to make more of these. Hey add me to your comments things so I get emails when somebody comments on your blog!

Alysnlee said...

Oooooo...good idea! That will be good in some rice noodle soup this winter. I figure I'll be living off of soup, bread and butter so a little fresh basil will be quite a treat! HA! (ok, I think I added you to the email thing but nobody ever comments on my blog so it might be a year or two before we know if I did it right!)

Cory Lynn said...

I just realized we were kind of talking about Pho in these comments!