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03 June, 2011


So....I'm going back to school.  That sounds weird when I say it.  But I am!  After 10+ years I am a college student again.   I started my first class this week.  It's a ART 101 - Art Appreciation.  I know nothing about art or artist.....nothing.  I guess I'm going to learn.  This is a web course so I'm trying to find my way around the website to figure out how and what all I have to do.  There are assignments posted every week: a reading out a book I paid $140 for, discussion board topics I have to post on and then comment on others comments and then a quiz.  Not sure what I was expecting but HOLY CRAP this is going to be a lot of work.  The first assignment was entitled "Behold Beauty".  We were to look at a website that showed artwork from different eras and cultures and then describe what beauty means.......UGH!!! 

This is my first discussion board post: 

My perception of beauty is going to be different than your perception of beauty. I believe that beauty is defined by each individuals desires, which have been in some ways persuaded among cultures, across borders, inside religions and throughout history. The definition of beauty has changed greatly, as evidenced by the artwork depicted on

It is very clear that naked human body has been universally viewed as beautiful, but in vastly different shapes, sizes, clothing and settings. This is not to say that the depiction of what beauty was in Ancient Egypt is any more or less valid than the Rubenesque bodies. Beauty is a pure matter of choice, desire, and emotion trying to be portrayed by the artist and then the opinion of the audience. An artist may portray on canvas what they believe is a passionate, beautiful scene, but if the viewer has a different opinion about what beauty is then it could be viewed as weird, strange or disgusting.

Art is the physical product of each artist's beliefs, emotions, passions and perceptions. I believe that artists have a inner desire to portray to others what they believe is important to them, at that time, and they also have the ability to do so without the need for acceptance. Every artist knows that not everyone is going to like their work, but they know that what they have created is beautiful in their eyes. All art is beautiful to someone!

I have NO idea if I'm even close to writing what the teacher is looking.  I guess I will find out! 

Wish me luck!!!!! 

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