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14 April, 2013

More from the gluten free test kitchen...

Mushrooms, garlic and shallots sauteed in a little EVOO then simmered in some chicken broth to make a light sauce tossed with the gluten free noodles.  Top with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and parsley. 

Homemade cheese and bacon pizza.  The crust is from a baking mix made by Pamela (I don't know her :)  This particular mix can be used to make many different things.  So far I have tried bagels and pizza crust.  Not too shabby!  We decided we liked it well done and a little crispy!

This is the same Pamela's crust.  This pizza was baby bella mushrooms, red onion and pepperocinis.

Cinnamon Raisin French Toast
This was amazing.  Regular french toast will never happen again in my house.  This bread (Canyon Bakehouse Cinnamon Raisin Bread) was a great find to begin with but "frenching" it was one of the best ideas I've ever had.  YUM!!  

Nachos Ole'
Ground round taco meat, cheese, red onion, grape and yellow sweet tomatoes, cilantro and pepperocinis on top of Rice Works Sea Salt Chips.  These emulate a tortilla chip and stand up quite well to melted cheese and meat.  They were delicious nachos. 

The softest, fluffiest pancakes I've ever made thanks to Pamela again.  This pancake mix can be used for different things but pancakes is all that we have tried thus far.  Delicious. 

Sort of unrelated but still containing food product and gluten free.....egg yolks, jojoba oil and EVOO make a great hair conditioning treatment.  Not to mention a great way to gross out your children. :) 


Cory Lynn said...

Pamela's in on my grocery list already. I can't wait to try it. 1/16th of the bag (33g) is three points. I don't know if anybody would care about the points. Think I could do a little personal pizza with it or do I have to make the whole bag at once?

Alysnlee said...

You could make a bunch of personal pizzas! There is a yeast packet in the bag. Making less than the full package would be difficult because of that.

Cory Lynn said...

Oh well. I also found out there isn't a store that sells it within 50 miles of me.

Alysnlee said...

Meijer sells it all!