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27 November, 2011

Itallian Bread Dressing with Mushrooms and Leeks

Keeping mostly with the traditional dressing my family is used to, I just added a couple additional flavors... mushroom and leeks. 

The day before cut the crust off 3 loaves of Italian bread.  Cube and let dry out for at least 24 hours or dry in the oven on low without allowing it to brown.

Dice into a soup pot:
3 Celery stalks
1 Sm Onion
2 Garlic Cloves
2 Leeks (well cleaned)
1 pkg. Baby Bella Mushrooms
6 sprigs of Thyme chopped
10-15 Sage leaves
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Saute over medium heat until all ingredients are tender - about 15 minutes

Use the giblets from the turkey to make a broth to use in the dressing.

In a sauce pan w/ the giblets saute until tender:
1 sm. onion
2 garlic cloves
Olive Oil
6 sage leaves chopped

Add: 8 C Water - Simmer down by about 1/3rd
Season to taste with S&P


Combine broth with vegetables and pour over bread cubes.  I had to add a little bit of turkey stock from a can to wet down the bread enough.  Place dressing in an oven safe dish and bake @ 350 for at least 1/2 hour to heat through. 

Cover with turkey gravy and Enjoy!!!

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