I always need lime juice handy. I use it in drinks and in almost everything I cook. I feel like a traitor to cooking when I use the store bought kind in the bottle (plus it has a weird fake-like after taste to me). Fresh lime is good but my favorite is the lime juice I can get out of my juicer.
I first cut "almost" all of the skins off. If you leave them all on the lime juice will not be good. I will leave a tiny bit of the skin on for juicing and it adds a great zestiness to it.
Next, after mostly peeling about 30 limes, I juice them. Afterwards I put it all in a Ziplock baggie and freeze it. It stays oily enough to kind of make a slushy. Once every couple of hours I will shake the bag around to break it up while it freezes, too.
J and I have been doing this for a long time and we both love having this zesty juice on hand all the time.
Yum! I'm going to try this for sure!